Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In the Fresh - Look Mexico

who: Look Mexico
why: They just announced their upcoming full-length album will be titled 'To Bed To Battle' as well as these September Tour Dates in New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Ohio, Illinois and Tennessee. If you have never heard of these guys you should definitely check them out on their myspace for new(er) music, or give a quick listen to 'You're Not Afraid of the Dark, Are You?' off of their latest EP Gasp Asp.

Boycottage - Rise Against

who: Rise Against announced they will soon begin work on a new album after their Australian tour ends in Febraury of next year.
why: I will admit that I actually liked one of their CDs... but after that every song started sounding the same. Now I don't even remember what that album was called or one memorable song title from it because their rise to "fame" turned them into pertentious douches.

Look at this album cover.
If you didn't laugh uncomfortably from how stupid this is... you're probably kind of a douche too.