Sunday, October 4, 2009

Watch Out - Community

who: NBC's new show 'Community'
why: because I like this show and you should watch it. If you don't watch it, you probably won't understand why this is funny.

"Yeah boi. Boi... what?!... It's 2009."

Premature Infatuation - Andrew W.K.

who: Andrew W.K.
why: because he released '55 Cadillac on September 8th and it's apparently filled with classical style piano as opposed to his usual songs about partying and partying harder. I've heard he's actually a pretty talented musician but it's hard to take him seriously... I just have no idea what it's going to sound like and I'm pumped regardless of if it's good or the worst thing I ever heard. It's nice to know there's no way I'm going to be disappointed. You can check out a preview of it on his myspace page, or get the album on iTunes or here.