Monday, December 14, 2009

LMAO! - KassemG

who: KassemG
why: hahahahahaha! it's funny because that definitely WASN'T Elton John...

Watch Out - The Snake The Cross The Crown

who: The Snake The Cross The Crown
why: have posted a pretty nice video for "In Time" off of their 2009 release (which I still need to get!) 'On A Carousel of Sound, We Go Round'... and yeah I said it was "nice"... think of a better adjective for me... I'm getting lazy.

Attention! - Wild Sweet Orange

who: Wild Sweet Orange
why: because I dropped the ball up until now, and I wish I would have known of these guys earlier, so here they are: Wild Sweet Orange. An eclectic mix of soft ambient tones and an oddly enraged mellow vocal style, they remind me of a transition band in between Freelance Whales and Manchester Orchestra. Check out their debut album from 2008 titled 'We Have Cause to Be Uneasy' below.

FFO: Margot & the Nuclear So and So's | Dear and the Headlights | Paper Rival

rating: yaysh.

Q&A - Andrew W.K.

who: Andrew W.K.
why: because he's not just a guy who likes to party. He started out with nothing and rose above adversity to pursue music and live the life any of us are capable of living if we have dreams of our own. Yeah, that sounds pretty deep for Andrew W.K., but maybe you'll think differently of him after watching this interview.